Qwik Magnet II - Magnetic Stud Finder
Product Details
Qwik Mag II? is a new Patent protected magnetic stud finder that will out perform any other type of magnetic stud finder on the market. At 27 pounds of pull, Rare Earth or Super Magnets, are the strongest type of magnets. Round or spherically shaped versions of these magnets are the best performing due to their higher magnetic field. In addition, the round magnet has less flux leakage and allows the magnet to retain its magnetism for a longer period of time. Unlike other steel stud finders, Qwik Mag II? can detect metal through 1/2" or 5/8" sheetrock or other thicker building material. It will find studs through ceramic tile, 3/4" plywood paneling, and can find 40 or more steel studs on a wall with 5/8" drywall in less than a minute. Qwik Mag II? does not use batteries and will last forever.